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                                                            CHAMPNEYS, SPRINGS


The Art of Awareness 23rd, 24th, 25th September


Various workshop sessions will deal with the many aspects of awareness from the understanding, control and care of the human energy field, the chakra system and the nervous system through to understanding of how these enable you to interact with other energies around you both seen and unseen.

Practical exercises will enable you to become familiar with your current levels of awareness, and empower you to raise these levels higher in order to achieve a more fulfilling experience of your own daily life and a greater understanding of those with whom you come into contact, or lower them to achieve different levels of meditation and trance.


For more details, prices, and to book, contact us 

For full details and/or to book your place, phone Sandi or Mike 07900 824089 or email


Clairvoyant Readings and Deep Energy Healing are also available to book in between our class sessions 

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